Вестник Омского государственного педагогического университета: электронный научный журнал
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ISSN: 2309-9380

Rules for submitting, reviewing and publishing scientific papers
Dear authors!

Journal «Review of Omsk State Pedagogical University. Humanitarian research» is a scientific periodical that discusses topical theoretical problems of philosophy, philology and pedagogy. Publication frequency: 4 issues per year.

The editorial board strives to:

  • constantly improve the journal and ensure the high quality of published materials;
  • follow the principle of freedom of opinion;
  • decide on the publication of materials, guided by the following main criteria: correspondence of the manuscript to the subject of the journal; relevance, novelty and scientific significance of the presented article; clarity of presentation; reliability of results and completeness of conclusions. The quality of the research and its relevance are the basis for the publication decision.
1. Direction of manuscripts

1.1. Scientific articles and other materials are sent to the editorial board by e-mail vestnik@omgpu.ru.

1.2. The topics of the articles should correspond to one of the groups of scientific specialties represented by the headings of the journal.

1.3. Registration of manuscripts of articles is carried out in accordance with the requirements for publication.

2. Procedure for reviewing articles

2.1. The publication reviews all materials received by the editorial board that correspond to its subject matter, with the aim of their expert evaluation.

2.2. All articles submitted to the editors of the journal are subject to review for compliance with the level of scientific and practical results, as well as the content of the article, with the requirements for peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of science should be published.

2.3. All incoming articles undergo mandatory double-blind peer review, in which the author of the review and the author of the article do not know each other's names.

2.4. Experts on the subject of the article from the editorial board or other leading scientists who agreed to work in the editorial office as reviewers are appointed as reviewers. All reviewers are recognized experts in the subject of the peer-reviewed materials and have publications on the subject of the peer-reviewed article over the past 3 years. Reviews are stored in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years.

2.5. Articles are reviewed according to the following parameters:

  • relevance of the topic;
  • the degree of compliance of the article with modern research on the stated problem;
  • the level of validity of scientific and practical results proposed and considered in the article;
  • the level of scientific novelty and originality of the approaches and methods proposed by the author;
  • correctness of scientific citation;
  • compliance with the design of the article to the rules adopted in the journal.

2.6. In the final part of the review, clear conclusions of the reviewer about the publication of the article in the presented form or about the need to revise (refine) the article according to the reviewer's comments should be given. The article revised by the author is re-sent for review.

2.7. If the article is not recommended by the reviewer for publication, it is sent for secondary review - to another reviewer. The final decision to refuse publication is made by the editor-in-chief of the journal. A reasoned conclusion is sent to the author.

2.8. The editorial board of the publication sends copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to the authors of the submitted materials, and also undertakes to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request by the editorial office of the publication.

2.9. The editors reserve the right to pre-evaluate articles before reviewing for compliance with the subject of the journal and its headings. Articles that do not meet this criterion are not reviewed, and the authors are sent a reasoned refusal to publish. In addition, the editors have the right to reject the article at the stage preceding the review, if its low scientific quality is obvious, and / or there are cases of unjustified borrowing in the text, and / or it was published earlier in another publication.

3. Requirements for publication

Articles are accepted for publication only in the following scientific specialties and branches of science:

  • 5.7.1. – Ontology and theory of knowledge (philosophical sciences),
  • 5.7.8. – Philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture (philosophical sciences),
  • 5.8.1. – General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education (pedagogical sciences),
  • 5.8.7. – Methodology and technology of vocational education (pedagogical sciences),
  • 5.9.5. – The Russian language. The languages of the world’s peoples (philological sciences),
  • 5.9.8. – Theoretic, applied and comparative-contrastive linguistics (philological sciences).
How to work with a manuscript

Manuscript processing consists of the following steps:

  • at the initial stage: checking for compliance with the design requirements, checking in the Anti-plagiarism system; articles that are not formatted according to the requirements and / or have an originality level of the text below 75% are returned to the authors for revision;
  • at the main stage:

1) reviewing (reviewing is carried out by members of the editorial board or involved specialists; reviewers receive the text of the article without indicating the author; the reviewer's task is to determine the relevance, novelty and originality of the author's approach, the correspondence of the article to the scientific specialty); articles that have received negative reviews are returned to the authors for revision;

2) editing (if necessary, technical and / or literary editing of the text is carried out, verification of reference lists) - if necessary, the editors contact the authors;

  • at the final stage: final editing in the publishing house and publication.
General requirements

1. Previously unpublished articles are accepted for publication, presenting the results of relevant, new, theoretically / practically significant scientific research. Essays, reviews, reports on scientific events, interviews are not published.

2. Originality of the text - not less than 75%. Subject to references to own research (self-citation) - 70%.

3. The recommended length of the article is 8–10 pages. Main text: Times New Roman font, size 14, single spacing, margins 2 cm on each side, paragraph indent 1 cm, justified alignment.

4. Each article must be provided with:

  •  UDC index (see, for example: https://www.teacode.com/online/udc);
  •  translation of the title and name of the author(s) into English;
  •  information about the author(s) in Russian and English; perhaps no more than 3-5 authors of the article;
  •  annotation in Russian and English (about 100 words; Times New Roman, size 12, single spacing);
  •  keywords (5–8) in Russian and English (Times New Roman, size 12, single spacing);
  •  bibliographic list, including (if possible) at least 3-5 sources published in the last 5 years, including modern foreign publications, and a list of References.

5. Articles of postgraduate students should be accompanied by a review of the supervisor, which determines the relevance of theoretical / practical research and characterizes the elements of scientific novelty.

6. For articles containing fragments of text in foreign languages, as well as diagrams, formulas, complex characters, etc., it is mandatory to have a second (along with the main file in Microsoft Word format) version of the article saved in pdf format (you must send two of the same name files of various formats).

7. For articles containing fragments of text in foreign languages, it is also obligatory to have a translation of all text fragments of any volume with an indication of the translator (for example: hereinafter - our translation).

Requirements for the structure of the main text of the article

Each article should be structured and include the following main and optional elements (each element in the text of the article should be titled in Russian and English):

Introduction (Introduction) - a brief description of the relevance, purpose, hypothesis, research prospects, the author's position on the stated topic. Mandatory section

Methods (Methods) - a description of the theoretical approaches and principles on which the study is based, methods, techniques that were used by the author. Mandatory section

Literature Review (Literature Review) - a reference to the main works of the predecessors that formed the basis of the study, a demonstration of the inclusion of the study in the modern scientific context, the detection of insufficient knowledge of the issue under study. In the absence of the need to give a detailed literary review, an indication of the primary sources that influenced the author of the work, etc. may be included in the Introduction or Methods sections. The editors reserve the right to recommend the author to make the section independent.

Results and Discussion (Results and Discussion) - presentation and argumentation of the author's concept / approach to traditional problems of science / new concept, etc., commented analysis of primary sources and other texts in order to derive new humanitarian knowledge, analysis of empirical material / experiments, description of the research progress, qualitative and quantitative interpretation of observations. Mandatory section

Conclusion (Conclusion) - the formulation of the main conclusions of the study, the definition of its prospects, theoretical and practical significance. Mandatory section

Acknowledgеments (Acknowledgеments) - an indication of scientific foundations and other organizations with the support of which the study was carried out, the names of projects and grants. Optional section

Bibliographic list - a list of sources to which the author refers in the article. Mandatory section

Requirements for the design of a bibliographic list

References to the literature are made out as follows: [1, p. 238], where the first digit is the number of the source in the bibliographic list. The bibliographic list is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5 2008: Times New Roman font, size 12, single spacing; sources are NOT placed alphabetically, but IN THE ORDER OF LINKS IN THE TEXT; a bibliographic list is required. The description of the source must indicate the publisher; the total number of pages, if there is a link to a book, or an indication of the page range, if the author refers to an article published in a collection, journal, encyclopedia, etc. If the cited publication has a DOI index, it must be indicated (to check the DOI, you can use the following resource: https://search.crossref.org).

In accordance with the principles of international scientific databases, references to modern (published within the last 3–5 years) publications, including publications in foreign languages in foreign journals, are highly desirable.

Typical design cases

Article in a periodical:
Demchenkov S. A., Fedyaeva N. D. Verbal happening: about some models of computer generation of texts in the aspect of avant-garde poetics // Humanitarian vector. 2020. No. 1. S. 27–37. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-1-27-37

Monographic edition:
Fedyaeva N.D. Norms in the space of language. Omsk: Publishing House of OmGPU, 2010. 172 p.

Fedyaeva N. D. The language image of the average person in the aspect of cognitive categories of gradualness, duality, evaluation, norms: dis. … cand. philol. Sciences. Barnaul, 2003. 171 p.

Dissertation abstract:
Fedyaeva N. D. The language image of the average person in the aspect of cognitive categories of gradualness, duality, evaluation, norms: abstract of the thesis. … cand. philol. Sciences. Barnaul, 2003. 24 p.

Electronic resource:
Galina M.S. Old, new, supernova… Fiction magazines in the post-Soviet space // Novy Mir. 2006. No. 8. URL: http://magazines.russ.ru/novyi_mi/2006/8/ga13.html (date of access: 12/14/2016).

Requirements for information about the author(s)

Articles written individually or by a team of 3–5 authors are accepted for publication (more than 5 authors are not allowed).

About each of the authors in Russian and English, the following information should be indicated:

  • Full Name
  • City, country
  • Place of work, including the name of the organization (for example, university) and department (for example, department) - all names must be full
  • Academic degree
  • Academic title
  • Job title
  • E-mail address

Articles drawn up in accordance with the requirements must be sent to the e-mail address vestnik@omgpu.ru in the line "Subject" indicate the full name_code of specialty_application (for example, Ivanov_5.9.5_application).

4. Publication of scientific articles

4.1. Articles grouped by sections of the journal are sent to the Publishing House of the Omsk State Pedagogical University.

4.2. In each section of the journal, articles are placed in alphabetical order according to the names of the authors.

4.3. The final revision of the texts of articles and other materials is carried out by the editors of the publishing house with the participation of the editor-in-chief of the journal and members of the editorial board.

4.4. The issue of the journal in PDF format is sent to the authors by e-mail, the printed version is sent to the addresses indicated by the authors.

Sample article design

УДК 811
Науч. спец. 5.9.5

Наталья Дмитриевна Федяева
Омский государственный педагогический университет, доктор филологических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой русского языка и лингводидактики, Омск, Россия
e-mail: ndfed@yandex.ru

«Блеск и нищета» нормы:
задание части 2 ЕГЭ по русскому языку как объект нормативных оценок

Аннотация. В статье сочинение, входящее в ЕГЭ по русскому языку, оценивается как сфера действия нормы в различных ее проявлениях, подтверждается тезис о разнообразии смыслов, образующих концепт «норма», и неоднозначности нормативных оценок.
Ключевые слова: норма, нормативная оценка, единый государственный экзамен, русский язык.
Благодарности: (при необходимости; например: Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ (проект № 20-09-42054 «Статика перемен как тренд развития окраин Российской империи в Петровскую эпоху (на примере Тарского Прииртышья)»).

Natalia Dmitrievna Fedyaeva
Omsk State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Russian Language and Linguodidactics, Omsk, Russia
e-mail: ndfed@yandex.ru

“Splendours and Miseries” of the Norm:
Task of the Second Part of the USE in the Russian Language as an Object of Normative Evaluations

Abstract. In this article the composition, which is included in the USE in the Russian language, is evaluated as a scope of application of the norm in its various manifestations. The thesis about diversity of senses forming the concept “norm” and ambiguity of normative evaluations is proved.
Keywords: norm, normative evaluation, Unified State Exam (USE), the Russian language.
Acknowledgеments: (при необходимости; например: The study was funded by RFBR (the research project № 20-09-42054 «Statics of changes as a trend in the development of the outskirts of the Russian Empire in the Peter the Great era (on the example of the Tara Irtysh Region)»)

Введение (Introduction)
Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текстм Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст
Методы (Methods)
Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текстм Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст
Литературный обзор (Literature Review)
Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текстм Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст
Результаты и обсуждение (Results and Discussion)
Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текстм Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст
Заключение (Conclusion)
Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текстм Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст Текст

Библиографический список
(см. выше)

Sample of forming information about the author

Placed after the text of the article

Surname, name, patronymic (in full) Russian/English
City, country Russian/English
Name of the organization - places of work, study (for graduate students) Russian/English
Structural unit, position Russian/English
Academic degree, academic title Russian/English
Information about the supervisor (for undergraduates): full name, academic degree, academic title, place of work, position  
Contact phone, E-mail  
Mailing address  
Consent to publish the electronic version of the article on the journal website
(https://vestnik-omgpu.ru), in the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU and other electronic resources (the presence of an “agree / agree” answer is a prerequisite for publication)
Яндекс цитирования