Вестник Омского государственного педагогического университета: электронный научный журнал
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ISSN: 2309-9380

Release № 4 (29), 2020

Файл PDF Vasilyeva O. Yu., Lyapina A. V. Traditons of the Hunting Subculture of the Peoples of Siberia and the Far North in Journal Essays of the Late 19th Century

Файл PDF Dobronravov К. О. Natural and Cultural in Cinema Based on Real Events

Файл PDF Izotov M. O. On Transhumanism As a Worldview

Файл PDF Kirichenko E. V. Museum Space in China: Cloning or Breakthrough into a New Aesthetic Space?

Файл PDF Martishina N. I. The Phenomenon “Between”: Para-Scientific Knowledge As a Transitional Type of Knowledge

Файл PDF Misyurov N. N. On the “Positivity” of the Romantic Philosophy of Revelation As an Element of a Supreme Knowledge

Файл PDF Nefedova L. K. Representation of the Archetype of the Child in Ancient Myth

Файл PDF Nikolina O. I. The Probability of Authentic in the Game of Postmodern (the Case of the Phenomenon of Love)

Файл PDF Popov D. V. Development of Tools for Biopolitical Regulation of the Population As the Basis of the Biopolitical Crisis

Файл PDF Fedyaev D. M., Sharov A. S. On Some Variants of “Application” of Dialectics

Файл PDF Shlyapnikov V. V. Cyberphilosophy As a Philosophy of a Digital Society


Файл PDF Aydanova Yu. F. The Strategy of Deconstruction of the Soviet Prototext in V. Pelevin’s Prose

Файл PDF Vidanov E. Yu., Mul I. L. “Pandemic” Content of Traditional Folklore Forms in the Conditions of Modern Game Communication

Файл PDF Gritsenco A. Speech Aggression in a Conflict Situation in Virtual Communication (on the Example of Comments in the Network “Instagram”)

Файл PDF Kartavaya Yu. K. Lexical-Semantic Potential of the Toponymy of the South Coast of the Crimea

Файл PDF Malysheva E. G., Rogaleva O. S. Journalistic Research in Regional Print Media:Structural-Substantive and Stylistic Idiocrasy (on the Example of the Texts of MaratIsangasin)

Файл PDF Nekrasova E. Yu. Implementation of Communicative Strategies of Pedagogical Discourse in Speech Behaviour of the Teacher of RFL/RSL in Training Students of the Preparatory Course

Файл PDF Nikolenko O. Yu., Fedyaeva N. D., Varova N. L. Historical Memory and Being of the Text: Discoursive Practices of Actualization of War Letters

Файл PDF Pometelina S. M. Linguo-Cognitive Analysis of the Phenomena of Semantic Diffusion in Complex Constructions with the Conjunction (Connective Word) When: General Remarks

Файл PDF Rogozhnikova T. P., Khomenko M. V. Anthroponymic System of the 1701 Census Book of Tara Region

Файл PDF Chelak E. A., Russu K. R. Modeling of Language Consciousness Through an Associative Experiment (the Case of the Phrase-Stimulus “Crow’s Day”)

Файл PDF Shcherbakova N. N ., Sheveleva T. N. Phraseological Units in the Newspaper Headline: Transformation of Language Stereotype


Файл PDF Gerashchenko I. P., Makarova N. S., Krott I. I. Free Education Format in the Practice of Russian Higher School: Features and Prospects of Implementation

Файл PDF Glushkova T. S. Linguodidactic Potential of the Concept of “City” in Teaching Russian As a Foreign Language

Файл PDF Kolyshkina I. M., Kremneva N. P., Rodionova A. V. Distance Learning: Historical and Pragmatic Aspects (from the Experience of Working with Foreign Students at the Pre-University Stage of Training)

Файл PDF Makarova N. S., Chernenko E. V. The Strategy for the Practical Training of Students in Educational Process of a Pedagogical University

Файл PDF Pertseva U. S., Chernova A. A. Reflecting the Problem of Destructive Socialization of Personality in the Internet Environment

Файл PDF Pchelintseva I. G., Speranskaya N. I. Postgraduate Exams in the Remote Format: Challenge of the COVID-Pandemic

Файл PDF Khilko N. F., Ozerova O. A. Images of Historical Memory in Perception of the Youth on the Example of the Celebration of Victory Day

Файл PDF Tsymbalyuk V. A. The Problem of Assessing the Quality of Educational Innovations in the Process of Their Institutionalization

Файл PDF Churkina N. I. Representations of School Childhood in the Collective Memory of Generations

Файл PDF Sharov A. S. Vocational Education As Gaining Experience

Файл PDF Shelontsev V. A., Gerasimova I. V. Using Tasks to Form Students' Systemic Knowledge in General Chemistry

Файл PDF Shkurat L. S. On the Formation of Foreign Students' Linguoculturological Competence in Teaching Russian Pronunciation

Файл PDF Yusupov I. R., Galimov F. Kh., Ivanov V. A. Formation of Professional Thinking Among Medical Students As a Structural Component of Their Subject Position

Файл PDF release №4 (29) 2020. Information about the authors

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