Вестник Омского государственного педагогического университета: электронный научный журнал
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ISSN: 2309-9380

Release № 2 (35), 2022

Файл PDF Gagarin A. S., Novopashin S. A. The Posthuman Concept: The Problem of Subjecti vity and Existenti al Foundati ons of Human Being

Файл PDF Efi menko V. P. Experti se History of Arti sti c Values in Russia

Файл PDF Misyurov N. N. “Case” with Odyssey as the Illustrati on to Aristotle`s “Quality” Metaphysics (Cause as a Goal and Goodness)

Файл PDF Pantafl yuk K. A. Human in the Alternati ve of Ulti mate Meanings: The Search for Truth

Файл PDF Plastun V. Yu. Consumpti on: Ontological Essence or a Cultural and Historical Phenomenon

Файл PDF Politov A. V. On Correlati on of Chronotope and Chronotopology Concepts: From a Separate Category to the Theory of the Spacio-Temporal Organizati on of Being and Human

Файл PDF Repkin A. I., Mityagin S. A. Ontological Aspects of Economic Terminology

Файл PDF Sitdikova A. G. Specifi cs of the “Author — Reader” Relati onship in M. de Unamuno`s Works

Файл PDF Yakovleva E. L. Recursiveness of Autobiographical Ficti on Narrative


Файл PDF Ali Madayeni Avval, Mohsen Abuei Mehrizi The Postpositi on ?? as One of the Frequent Ways of Expressing Grammati cal Meaning of the Case and Case Government in Persian: A Comparati ve Commentary

Файл PDF Vidanov E. Yu., Litvinenko Yu. Yu. Anti nomies of Sancti ons discourse (The Case of Rhetoric About Anti -Russian Sancti ons)

Файл PDF Diakova T. A. Literary Intertext as an Element of Mikhail Matusovsky`s Idiolect

Файл PDF Eliseeva E. P., Khodyuk A. A. Interacti on of Terminology and Professional Vernacular (Revisiti ng Problems of Special Communicati on)

Файл PDF Kostina V. A. Analysis of the discourse on a New Social Type: Who Replaced the dilett ante

Файл PDF Kutieva M. V. Bear: Archetype Ambivalence in Russian Linguoculture

Файл PDF Lasitsa M. V., Sokolova T. V. Translation Transformations of the Text in the Artistic World of Interpretation (The Case of English Poetry)

Файл PDF Maksimyuk E. V. Peculiarities of Reference Within Adjacent Associative Fields

Файл PDF Malysheva E. G., Rogaleva O. S. Editor`s Note of the “Petersburg Theater Journal” (1992–1996): Genre and Communicative-Pragmatic Features

Файл PDF Miller V. A. Emotional-Evaluative Vocabulary in the Current Lexicon of Youth: An Experimental Study

Файл PDF Pekarskaya I. V., Shpomer E. A. Linguistic Organization of the Accusatory Speeches (based on the speeches by A. F. Koni “In the case of the drowning of a peasant woman Yemelyanova by her husband” and “In the case of the murder of state advisor Ryzhov”)

Файл PDF Terskikh M. V., Plyusnina N. V. Native Advertising on the Social Network TikTok: Genre and Language Features


Файл PDF Bescennaya V. V. Organizational Methods of Individualization of Cadets` Training in a Group with Different Arrival Times (The Case of Russian as a Foreign Language)

Файл PDF Кarpov V. V. The Problem of Professional Formation of Future Bachelors of Technosphere Safety

Файл PDF Lebedeva K. S. Organizational and Activity Game “Protect the Idea!” as a Form of Development of Educational Independence of University Students

Файл PDF Mayer R. V. Computer Simulation of the Problem Solution by One or Several Schoolchildren

Файл PDF Merzlyakova D. R. Improving the Education Quality at the Municipal Level to Prepare for a New Technological Paradigm

Файл PDF Navoychik E. Yu. Theoretical Foundations of the Reflexive Paradigm as a Methodological Way to Solve the Problems of General Education

Файл PDF Namsink E. V., Alekseev S. G. Support of Young Preschool Teachers` Professional Development in the Context of Network Interaction of Educational Organizations

Файл PDF Nemerovsky V. M., Rubenkova L. A. The Game as a Method of Optimizing Motor and Cognitive Activity in the Routine of Preschoolers

Файл PDF Nikitina L. B., Geiko E. V Teaching Linguistic Text Analysis in the Language Teacher`s Training System

Файл PDF Savelyeva O. E. Study of American School Policy in Promoting Anti-racism

Файл PDF Sekret K. A., Sabelnikova A. A. Formation and Development of Multicultural Competence as a Principle of Foreign Language Teaching in the Educational Process of Higher Educational Institution

Файл PDF Smagina I. L. Technology of Students’ Individual Learning Style Formation in the Educational Process of the University

Файл PDF Solomatin D. V. On the Use of Augmented and Virtual Reality in Teaching Mathematics

Файл PDF Urusmambetova L. A. School Historical Education in Kabardino-Balkar Republic: State, Problems and Tasks

Файл PDF Cherdyntseva E. V., Yakubenko O. V. Development Features of the Activity Component of the Teachers’ Digital Competence in Omsk and the Omsk Region

Файл PDF Churkina N. I. The Ritual of “Admission to Pioneers” in the Representations of Schoolchildren of the Late Socialist Era

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