Release № 3 (40), 2023
Ermakov S. A., Ermakova E. V., Kashina O. P. Internet Communicati on in Human Life: Philosophical Aspect
Zhdanko K. E. Possible Worlds in the Culture of Intellectual Leisure
Zenets N. G., Chaldyshkina M. V., Varova N. L. The Problem of a Person’s Subject Foundati on in the Context of Psychopathological Reality
Karpova L. М. Criti cal Thinking in the Argumentati on Theory Course
Nefedova L. K. Buddhist Religious and Arti sti c Integrity: Dialecti c of Traditi on
Ovcharova T. N. Creati vity and Oeuvre from a Sociocultural Perspective
Razova E. L. The Problem of Defi ning the Concept of “Ethos” Philosophical Aspect
Rudi A. Sh., Plastun V. Yu. Types, Forms and Cultural Meanings of Modern Anti -Сonsumerist Consumer Practi ces
Chesnokova L. V. Privacy and Private Property
Shatova E. N. Interdisciplinary Status of the Tartu Semioti cs of Culture
Arkhipova I. V. Taxis Semanti c Complexes in Their Variability
Vasilyeva O. Yu., Komarova M. V. Students’ Percepti on of Rock Texts of the Turn of the 20th–21st Centuries: An Experimental Study
Maksimyuk E. V. Comparati ve Analysis of Forms of Denial in the Pragmati c Aspect (Based on the Language Personaliti es of Dr. Bykov and Dr. House from the TV series “Interns” and “House, M.D.”)
Mikhailova O. A., Kharlamova M. A. Refl ecti on of Family Values in the Materials of the Regional Corpus of Medium Irtysh Folk Speech
Prom N. A. Pragmatic Potential of Citation in News Media Texts
Russu K. R., Mel’nik Ju. A., Zhurova A. V The “Search Step” Slot as an Element of the “Missing Information” Frame (Based on Search Documents of the Late 18th — Early 19th Century)
Speranskaya N. I., Yatsevich O. E. Linguocultural Analysis of the Semantic-Connotational Field of the Lexeme Liv* in the Work of J. K. Jerome
Sukhova E. A. Features of the Morphemic Structure of Words with a Bound Radix
Fesenko O. P., Bescennaya V. V. The “Patriot” Concept in the Linguistic Consciousness of Russian and Chinese Students
Meng Q. Representation of the “Labor” Concept in the Russian Linguistic Worldview on the Material of Social Networks During the Pandemic COVID-19
Grak D. V. Pedagogical Model for the Development of the Legal Competence of a Teacher
Grachev A. V., Savoskina A. S. Practices of School Education of the Siberian Cossacks (Second Half of the 19th — Early 20th Century)
Gulov A. P. Advanced Training for Teachers in the Olympiad Movement
Derbush M. V. Personal Results of Students and Methods of Their Development (The Case of Teaching Mathematics in Basic School)
Dmitrieva O. A., Kondaurova T. I., Fetisova N. E. Features of Adaptation of Foreign Students in the Innovative Educational Environment of the University
Kazakova I. V. Socio-Psychological Adaptation and Value Orientations in Adolescence (The Case of First-Year Students)
Karavayskaya O. S., Mikhailova A. I. Patriotic Education at the University: Formation of the Spiritual Culture of Students in the Process of Literary Disciplines Mastering
Konopkina E. S., Shkurat L. S. Experience of Using Audiovisual Teaching Tools in Literature Classes with Foreign Students of the Preparatory Department
Medvedev L. G., Shokorova L. V. The Formation of Aesthetics Orientation of a Novice Artist’s Work
Navoychik E. Yu. Architectural Approach to Designing Personal Educational Results
Petrusevich A. A., Shekarbekov S. A. Formation of the Managerial Position of Future Officers in the Educational Process of a Military University
Saiq H. Education Level and Economic Activities of Afghan Women: Correlation Analysis
Khoroshenkova A. V. Formation of Financial Literacy of Students in the Social Studies Course at School in Terms of Informatization of Education
Chikova O. A., Nekrasova I. I. Assessment of Psychological Readiness of Teachers of Pedagogical Universities for Innovative Activity by Applying Methods of Mathematical Statistics
Shirokolobova A. G., Shirokolobov G. V. Development and Integration of Educational Video Content into an Electronic Course (A Case Study of “Resistance of Materials” Course)