Release № 4 (41), 2023
Abramov P. D. The Simulati on Hypothesis: Criti que of D. Chalmers’ Digital Ontology of Consciousness
Varova N. L., Pantaflyuk K. A. Realizati on of Perfecti on in Relati on to “Self — World”: Metaphysical Aspect
Denisov Yu. P. Revisiti ng the Essence of the Phenomenon of All-Russian Civic Identi ty: Who Are We and What Unites Us?
Lvov A. A., Kravchenko E. Yu. Philosophical and Anthropological Analysis of Axiomati c Aspects of the Concept of Worldview in the Russian-Language Discourse
Maltseva S. M., Yelgina T. V., Shilovskaya N. S. The Phenomenon of Devaluati on of People in Social Networks
Nikolin V. V., Nikolina O. i. Diversity of Understanding of the Existenti al: Methodological Aspect
Nikolina D. V. Avatar: Human Transformati on in Virtual Reality
Ovchinnikova T. M. Ethnic Self-Identi fi cati on of Youth: Environmental and Personal Factors of Transformati on
Stegniushin A. A. Value Dimension of Legislati ve Monuments of Ancient and Appanage Rus
Stepanov A. G. Existenti al Format of Historical Reality
Fedorova N. V. The Problem of Norm and Abnormal During the Decline of Civilizati on
Beketova A. O. Markers of the Non-Verbal Code in a Ficti on Text (Based on the Detecti ve Novels of D. Brown’s Inferno and M. Bussy’s Nymph?as noirs)
Burenkova S. V., Gruenko S. Yе. Congratulati on as a Sociocultural Communicati ve Phenomenon (A Case Study of German, French and Russian Languages)
Buchneva K. A. School-Leaving Certificate as an Image of Consciousness of Senior Pupils, Students and Adults
Glushkova T. S. Representation of the Concept “Ecology” in Russian Social Advertising
Diakova T. A. The Idiolect of Mikhail Matusovsky: On the Characterization of Figurative Artistic Means of Poetic Texts
Kartavaya Yu. K. Structural Variation in Syntactic Terminology
Malysheva E. G., Egoshkina V. A. Dialogue and Dialogical Communication as Objects of Scientific Reflection: A Review of Domestic Linguistic Research
Solovyova N. N., Lihacheva Zh. V. Classification of Colloquial Phraseological Units Using the Example of English Vocabulary
Khomenko M. V. Genre and Stylistic Features of a Story About a Lifetime Miracle (A Case Study of Russian Lives)
Khriplia T. S. Correlation of Visual and Verbal Components in Polycode Texts of Chinese Public Service Announcement
Sheptun N. N. Coding of the Mass Media Discursive Format of Knowledge (A Case Study of the Publications “Le Monde” and “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”)
Abramov V. E., Batyrshina Ya. A. Difficulties in Translating Texts in the Telecommunications Field
Arshba T. V., Ragulina M. I. Development of Students’ Professional Orientation in the Modern Technosphere of the Pedagogical University
Gerashchenko I. P. Forecasting the Need for Teaching Staff in the Education System Using the Republic of Kazakhstan as a Study Case
Drobotenko Yu. B., Nazarova N. A. Axiological Foundations of Profession Oriented Language Training at the University
Zubkov A. D. Development of Professional Foreign Language Competence of Economics Students Using Online Courses: Project Activities
Krasnoukhova V. N. Features of the Formation of University Students’ Professional Competencies Using the Example of Distance Learning of Physics
Kuznetsova E. I., Tolkachev N. V. Stimulating the Interest of Pedagogical University Students in Mastering Engineering Disciplines
Lanshchikova G. A., Pozdnyakova T. Yu. Crowdsourcing in Professional Education
Lapchik E. S., Lapchik D. M. Organizational and Pedagogical Conditions for Career Guidance Work in a Pedagogical University Based on a Digital Footprint
Mayer R. V. Complexity of Formulas and Methods Used in Solving School Tasks (The Case of Electrodynamics)
Napso M. D. Trends in Modern Education: Some Current Aspects
Pronina N. K., Golovacheva N. P. Specifics of Mastering Plein Air Painting
Samartsev V. Yu. Content Analysis of the Entrance Examination Results in the “Foreign Language” Discipline of First-Year Students of Non-Linguistic Specialties at the Pedagogical University
Samerkhanova Eh. K., Krupoderova E. P., Moiseenko A. V. Support for Technology Teachers in the Field of End-to-End Digital Technologies
Urusmambetova L. A. Regional Experience in Developing Financial Literacy of Teachers (The Case of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic)
Chernenko E. V., Astafieva I. A., Nazarova N. A. Comprehensive Assessment Model of Competencies Formation of Pedagogical University Students (The Case of Communicative and Digital Module)
Churkina N. I. Methodology for the Formation of Value Orientations of Future Teachers at Different Stages of Vocational Training