Release № 2 (43), 2024
Bogdanova M. A., Abrosimova L. S., Tatarchenko A. G. Man in Digital Reality: Classifi cati on of Risks
Drozhzhin A. I. Ontological and Axiological Aspects of the Problem of Cultural Heritage Preservati on
Ishchenko N. S. The Ardennes Forest as a Text in Elena Khaetskaya’s Self-Referenti al Story “The Flying Tekla”
Koshmilo O. K. Expiati on of Metaphor and Eucharisti c Nature of Metonymy in the Poeti cs of the Ritual Scene
Melnikova E. V., Ogloblina I. A. Revisiti ng a Pan-Civilisati on Anthropological Turn (On the Treshold of D. V. Pivovarov’s Syntheti c Philosophical Paradigm)
Misyurov N. N. “Testi mony to Truth” as a Principle of V. F. Ern’s Philosophy
Napso M. D. “Disappearing” Traditi on of the Globalisati on Era: Myth or Reality?
Nefedova L. K. Immanuel Kant in the Recepti on of Omsk Historians and Philosophers
Opolev P. V Features of Epistemology of Perspectivism
Pogorelskaya E. Yu. From Techne to Technical Reality: The Birth of a Worldview
Fedyaev D. M., Fedyaeva N. D. Rene Descartes’ Fourth Rule: An Att empt to Clarify the Meaning
Abrosimova E. A. Eponymic Terms of Veterinary Discourse: Linguocogniti ve Aspect
Astaf’eva I. A., Vagenlyaytner N. V., Primak E. A., Shutiak M. A. Ethical and Speech Aspect of University Communicati on in the Percepti ons of First-Year Students of a Pedagogical University
Boginskaya O. A. The Rhetorical Step “Indicating Gaps in Previous Research”: Types and Ways of Verbalisation
Vulfovich B. G. Implementation of a Language Personality and Their Linguopragmatic Attitudes in Conflict Discourse (The Case of Internet Comments)
Gubanov S. A. Verbalisation of the Epithet Paradigm in M. Tsvetaeva’s Prose: Verbal Epithet Complexes
Guseva S. E. Values and Anti-Values in the Discourse of Computer Technologies
Zoltner O. V., Ekomasova A. V. Images of Siberian Water Spaces in Individual Author’s Linguistic Picture of the World (A Case Study of Yu. Levitansky’s Lyrics)
Kravchenko Yu. D. Modern Children’s Poetry: Search and Implementation of Gaming Techniques (The Case of the Image of Grandmother)
Lipiridi S. Kh. Structural-Semantic Features of Neologisms in the Thematic Group “Interpersonal Relations” in Modern English
Madaeni Awwal A., Haji Mousaei S. A. Axiological Aspect of Phraseological Units with the Colourative “Green” in Russian and Persian Languages
Rogaleva O. S. Correspondence Political Dialogue: Communicative-Pragmatic Representation in the News Media Text
Strekalov D. A. Empathy and Its Absence in Terms of Successful Communication
Terskikh M. V. Specifics of Verbal Branding: Tone of Voice in SMM Communications
Avilkina I. N. Difficulties in Teaching a Foreign language in a Technical University, Search for Ways to Overcome Them
Aydanova Yu. F., Filatova E. A. Formation of Future Teachers’ Research Competence by Means of a Foreign Language
Asriev A. Yu., Mavrina I. A. Social Interaction as the Basis of Education (Methodological Principles in the German Tradition of Social Pedagogy)
Danilkova M. P. Individual Educational Trajectory in Technical Universities: Theoretical Aspects
Kuvshinova G. A. Analysis of Modelling Processes of Designers’ Training in the Conditions of Modern FSES HE
Medvedev L. G. Imagery in Compositional Space
Mezentsev E. A., Plotnikova Yu. S., Radiontseva E. S. Experience in Implementing Peer Learning Technology in Media Specialty: From Idea to Implementation
Navoychik E. Yu. Identification of Value Potential in the Structural Analysis of the Content of Education: Contextual and Specific Content Plane
Nurieva N. S., Chebotareva E. S. Teaching Academic Writing for Professional Purposes: Issues of English mood
Petrusevich A. A. The Relationship Between Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Pedagogical Research
Rubanova N. A., Zhukova E. V. On Some Features of Teaching Mathematics in Universities of the Union Republics and Post-Soviet Countries
Chernykh N. S. Diagnostic Apparatus for Studying the Formation of Self-Management Competence of University Students
Chikileva E. N., Altynnik N. I. Independent Qualification Assessment as a Tool for External Assessment of the Quality of Students’ Professional Training
Shipilina L. A., Shipilina V. V. Problems of Quality Management of Vocational Education in Dissertation Research in Pedagogy (2003–2023)
Ershteyn L. B. On Methodical Identity of Distant Learning